Friday, April 24, 2009

luna park

Chan and Ng's Luna Park Adventures.

Today, Chan and I went to Luna Park and as I arrived early, I had to wait around 15 minutes and from there I saw the line moving further and further back. The line was so bad, it went up the stairs. By the way, I'm sorry guys, no pictures from me.
The first ride we went on was the 'Ferris Wheel,' unfortunately you needed at least 4 people in the one car to balance it out. Sorry, Romantics. (unless, you have a double date.) At first, I was really freaked out when the car moved up as I am afraid of heights but when it started running, it was really nice and there was a cool breeze. We saw the flying saucer and I told Chan we should go on it, but we walked towards the 'Mouse Trap' Roller Coaster. It was such a long wait in the hot, hot sun, felt like I was burning. At last, we came to the place where you get on the little car, so we decided to share one. Of course, being the "generous" person that I am, I let Chan sit in front. It started out quite slowly but as it turned the corners, we felt like we were going to fall off, and near the end of the ride there was a camera, since Chan had been on the ride, she knew where it was and quickly hid, I had a classic expression. Next, we lined up for the 'Big Top' which was like a little spinning thing, Chan thought it was great but I held onto the bar tightly and got a little dizzy. We went for fairy floss, it was $4 so we shared one, the lady wasn't really paying attention to how big the fairy floss was as she was giving change to another customer so ours ended up really big. After eating, we went through a little place to get to the pirate ship-like ride 'Ranger,' we looked at all the people inside and they were all screaming really loudly and we started panicking. As it got to our turn, it started and it was so scary that I closed my eyes the entire time and started screaming, the guy next to me was like 'Oh fuck, oh shit.. etc.'
After all that spinning, I felt really sick for a while but decided to get up anyway, Chan and I went to the 'Flying Saucer,' although I didn't want to, Chan said it was going to be okay so I reluctantly agreed. I felt really bad throughout the line and when it got to my turn, I stepped in the standing thing and immediately felt worse, I couldn't do it.
We went to get food and sat by the harbour for a long time, we kept walking around to see little kids get ripped off on the 'Hitting 150 with a Mallet' attraction and no-one really passed 100, except for this really tank lady who hit 148 but couldn't get the big prize as it was not enough to get an 150 prize. When it was later in the day, I decided to go on the 'Ferris Wheel' once again and enjoy the view. At the end when it was nearly time to go, Chan and I decided to relive our childhood experiences by going on the 'Carousel' and we both secured horses. We went to watch the 'Rotor' which was also a spinning ride where you literally, get stuck to the wall.
I thought it was a great day, but although it was I don't think I want to go again for quite a while.
edit / I have some pictures!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

100 question survey

Wow, two posts in one night. Wendy, you are something.
Indeed I am,
thank you Wendy.

How old will you be in five years? 19
Who did you spend at least three hours with yesterday? Stayed at home so, myself and parents after they came home.
How tall are you? 163.5cm
What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? School? Maybe some sort of surprise?
What's the last movie you watched? 17 again, I know Zac Efron.. Good movie though.
Who was the last person you called? Mum
Who was the last person to call you? Mum
Who was the last person to text you? Chan
Do you prefer to call or text? Preferably, Calling. Texting is alright too.
Do you have any pets? No
Are you cool? Yes
Are your parents married? Yes
Are you hip? You're scaring me..
Are you 'too cool fo' school?' Okay, seriously scaring me now..
What planet do you like? Pluto
What are you wearing right now? T-shirt and pants
What is your favorite christmas song? Jingle bells, I don't know much
Where is your favorite place to be? At home, with no sun
Where is your least favorite place to be? Outside, actually in the sun
Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere? Anywhere good overseas, e.g. America, Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea etc.
Are you a drink bottle? No
If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Pink or some good colour
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? I think the dark freaked me out, or if some monster was going to eat me
Who was the last person that really made you laugh? I don't remember
How many TVs do you have in your house? One
How big is your bed? Queen sized
Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? Desktop but I want a Vaio
Do you sleep with or without clothes on? With, common sense? No offense to those who don't
How many pillows do you sleep with? One, but it's a huge European pillow
What is your favorite season? Winter or Autumn, my hate of the sun
What do you like about summer? Nothing, I hate it
What do you like about winter? No sun, no tanning
What do you like about the fall? The pretty colours but sometimes no sun
What do you like about spring? My birthday's in it
How many states have you lived in? Two, if China counts
How many cities/towns have you lived in? Two, also if China counts
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
At home, bare feet. Outside, shoes with or without socks
Do you like wearing jeans? Yes, but not so much at home
What was the last thing you ate? Chinese food, rice and side dishes
What is your favorite restaurant? Anywhere with Mud crab or Lobster, and Japanese restaurants
Longest car trip? To Melbourne, by car it took around 14 hours
What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Green tea, then Cookies and Cream, sometimes Chocolate too
What is your favorite kind of soup? Tomato and Potato Soup, I can cook it myself
What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? You realise this 'jelly' is just jam? If I was to try one, Strawberry?
Do you like Chinese food? Eh, sometimes
Do you like coffee? Not really, too bitter for me, but I love Muffin Break's Ice Coffee. So good
How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? I don't drink water, if the water's lucky.. half or one
What do you drink in the morning? Normally juice
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Alone, no-one around to hog the covers, or if you use separate covers, no-one there to kick you
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Always sleep my left side, the bed's right side, closest to the desk
Do you know how to play poker? No
Do you like to cuddle? Not really, I prefer not to
Have you ever been to Canada? No
Do you have an addictive personality? I don't think so
Do you eat out or at home more often? At home
What is your favorite cheese? I don't really like cheese, but if I had to choose, Mozzarella
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Eleanor, a girl at my old school
Do you want kids? Yes
Do you speak any other languages? Chinese
Have you ever gotten stitches? No
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No
Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? A pool, no salty water
Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? Window
Do you know how to drive stick? What are you on about?
What is your favorite thing to spend money on? I like shopping and spending money, basically anything I can buy, preferably online too
Do you wear any jewelry? Two earrings and that's it
What is your favorite TV show? The Biggest Loser
Can you roll your tongue? I can roll up my tongue if that's what you mean
Who is the funniest person you know? I don't know, sorry
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I used to, I kept kicking them off the bed, so no
What is the main ring tone on your phone? Vibration or Silent, if it was on Normal, it's one of the songs that came with the phone
Do you still have clothes from when you were little? I don't think so, I have some but donated most to those Church charity things and Stewart house from my old school since they were collecting old clothes
What red object is closest to you right now? My chair, since I'm sitting on it
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Normally open because I can't be bothered to close it
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? A big bear so I can relate to it, hence the name 'Pixel Bear'
Would you rather fight a chimp or a badger? A badger, I'll eat it
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Sweet and Sour FTW
Can you change the oil on a car? No
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Can't drive.. yet
Have you ever run out of gas? Well since I can't drive, my parents have run out of gas
What is your usual bedtime? 10-11 in School days but 12-1 on the Holidays, maybe later
What was the last book you read? The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes (don't ask)
Do you read the newspaper? No
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No
Do you still sleep with the lights? No
Do you watch soap operas? Well I have, but I don't really
Do you dance in the car? No, I don't see how you can
What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? Some random Chinese
What is your favorite candle scent? I don't really like smelling candles, I don't know
What is your favorite board game? Monopoly
How would you describe pop up pirate or buckaroo as a board game? Shitty, they are gay board games
When was the last time you attended church? When I was little but I went for 2 or 3 days last year
Which one of your friends have you known the longest? Sherry since Preschool, but we don't talk much anymore, or Angela since year 3
What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? Haven't tried
Did you realize you just completed a 100 question survey? Yes, what a stupid question, I agree with Emma

Okay, just finished a
100 question survey, because I was bored.

laneige love?

'Laneige' sounds like a good brand.

I can't think of much to write today.. no-ones been blogging, well some people have but yeah. Boredom. Anyway, I stayed at home yet again watching tv and such. I was even playing my DS today even though I have like 3 games, Brain Training (yep.. don't ask,) Cooking Mama (which I don't play much anymore, it got boring,) and Pokemon Pearl.. it's surprisingly fun, try it (haven't actually finished the game yet.) Fail.
I was reading some blogs today and apparently they recommend 'Laneige' as a good skincare brand. I was thinking of trying their Star White collection along with some other lines, but I don't know. It's so boring yet again, but then again I can go to Luna Park tomorrow so I guess it backs it up. Oh and I'm going to the doctor tomorrow (don't ask because I won't reply.) I know everyone likes pictures but I'm too lazy to post pictures on whatever I've been doing because it's so boring. Maybe I'll start picture spamming when I get my new camera, but until then I don't think there's going to be much pictures.
6:12pm / still staring at the screen in awe. Why does the holidays have to be so good but then so boring at the same time. I'll be returning to school soon.. which sucks just as much. Chan, it's the anniversary today, lols. ;)
I'm not in a good mood today so I think I should just stop here.. no, here. no wait. I made something in Photoshop following a tutorial, credits to the photographer and the person who created the tutorial. :)

From this.

Last couple of words.. The person who made the tutorial had a much better result, but I tried, lols.
Oh and I like eating pies, Coles 70c Pies. ;D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm so bored these days!

Nothing's been happening, oh.. but my fringe styler finally came in. It's like a pink curved clip where you clip it on your fringe and blowdry so the shape is actually suitable. lols. -cough-
This post is a no picture post, yeah sorry guys, no time to take decent pictures and put logos and things on them. My mum's cousin is coming from china so that means I can go buy from 'Downtown Duty Free' and get it cheaper. I really want a canon camera.. and plus it's only like $174. These days I'm not doing much and it's so boring. I swear. There's like 10minute silences in between each sentence I type since I can't think of anything good to write. I think I'll have to get new lenses soon, my eyesight is like really bad now, I have a feeling I'll soon have to wear glasses everywhere.. unless I get contacts, hurhur... but contacts are bad for your eyes so whatever, I'll just wear the glasses. I've also been watching lots of television nowadays, I'm interested in the Biggest Loser (don't ask.) Oh this is probably only directed to Chan since I know many of you don't like this type of stuff.. Well I found a new mask range and it's called '我的美麗日記面膜'
or 'My Beauty Diary Facial Mask' in English. I think it's a Taiwanese Brand but you can also buy it in Hong Kong. On a sidenote.. It's so "wtfbbq" expensive, like on sasa 10pcs cost $26.00 AUD, (approx.) Oh and I found this topic on Soompi. :DD
It's so boring... and girls, it's good to wash your hair with COLD water yes,
COLD. Makes it shinier. I want to try the Tresemme range now, people say it's pretty good but first I have to finish 2 pairs of Herbal Essences, my mum bought the 'dangerously straight' pair, so I have to finish that along with 'drama clean.'
Anyway. I'll talk you some other time, but for now... bye! ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

hello everyone!

Title says it all.
Welcome to my "new" blog :DD

Anyway, it's been dormant for a looong time and I think it's time to actually start blogging. I'd like to say thank you to some people for encouraging me to blog even though I'm a really lazy person, lols. Unfortunately it has taken a while to motivate me however I guess I'm back! I have a very strange layout yeah.. I made it so it's not that great but oh well. It took me around like 2-3 hours trying to get the coding right and making the banner etc.
It's on track now. I won't be taking any requests on what I will blog about, what I blog about is my business and if you don't enjoy reading it, then don't read it. Simple.
In any case, I'll start by talking about things that have been angering me recently. My drama is finished!! -it was a good drama too.. ♡♡
Oh and today, I went to Chatswood with Chan and we went to this Filipino store in Lemon Grove and bought some whitening goods, lols bought some pearl cream today. Another thing is that... my things that I ordered online have arrived! I bought some double eyelid fibre or whatever it's called and HOLY SHIT it sucks, ohmaaa I'm going to rant about this stupid, worthless, shitty piece of crap. It's so shitty that when you try and put it on, you have a string dangling from your eye, it's so shitty that you need special scissors to cut it off so it's the right length, it's so shitty that it makes your eye sore just from positioning it with a stick-like thing included, it's so shitty that it cost me $30 to buy it, it's so shitty that it's not even worth it for the 'service' it provides, it comes off so easily!!
Enough about that, it's making me more and more angry as I keep writing, sorry everyone. ^^'
Onto more brighter news, my velcro fringe stickers came and they're alright not too bad, only bad thing is the staying power, it's like not that strong so you kind of have to mess around with it first, lols. And my fringe styler I bought also came.. but I have to collect it from the post office, so tedious. Also, my nails have been breaking really easily.. urgh.
Want some pictures? I know some people just 'read' for the pictures so I'll put some in. I just remembered! If anyone's still reading, I'm currently watching 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' and so far it's pretty good, you should watch it. And I just finished downloading episode 6, yay!

The velcro fringe sticker, and the shitty product, that is shit.
The 'Eskinol Pearl Cream', which is really hard to use.. literally like hard, lols. No pun intended.
I'm sorry I had to delete the pictures of the pearl cream, it sucks shit too. :)
The actual jar, it's 4g... that's tiny.
Oh, I just wanted to put a picture of Jackie up, it's pretty funny.
edit / sorry jackie, pineapple was stretching my page, lols.

Okay, that's it for today, coming up...
more rants and my life. (:
wendy is cool (: